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Let us know how we can improve. Vote on existing ideas or suggest new ones.
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Ability to save SR app Layouts as HubSpot templates
Some clients may consider going to SR app to create a new page too challenging. We wanted to see if there is a way to create HubSpot templates from those SR app layouts - so that a new page can be created directly in HubSpot. Use case: pages that h
More customization options for SR Tabs Accordion 01 module
It would be great if you could adjust the color of the circles and the + sign in the SR Tabs Accordion 01 module.
In Progress
Team module that has room for bios
We had this module custom developed that we saw on Charity Water, but something like this that saves space but still allows team photos with bios. Found on
Navigation Module with Menu Below Logo
This would allow for navigation with longer titles or more menu items than currently fit inline with the logo.
Navigation Breadcrumb
To be able to add a navigation breadcrumb to website pages. To allow users to know where they are with in the website and be able to back track through the website.
Mixed Row Layouts with Long Columns
Would love to be able to have a 2 (or three) column layout where the first or second column could be split into 2 subrows. Eg. 2 squares stacked with an upright rectangle on the right. Hard to explain so see attached :-)
Calculator Module - Conditional Fields
Add the ability to add conditional logic to the fields so that some fields will appear or disappear based on the user choices on certain fields.
Add Parallax effect modules
I really like the parallax effect on the PRO solutions page as you scroll down it becomes extremely engaging. It's something thats screams premium. it would be super cool if you guys find out how to make it a module for the nontech enable folks out
Dropdown customization on Pricing Comparison module
This module was really well put together, and it was so close in my mind to being perfect! My client asked, "is it possible to have the dropdown a different colour, and it's too close to the edge, we'd like to move it", since the module is hardcoded
Filter Menu Updates on SR Cards Filter 02
I'd love to see 2 changes here if possible! 1. On mobile it would be great if the filter menu could stack or be a dropdown, right now it's a bit messy with shorter menu items sitting next to each other. 2. We would love to be able to anchor link f
Option to adjust the image size specifically for mobile on the SR Offer Bar 05
Hi Sprocket Rocket, I was advised to make a suggestion from your support team as I am not able to adjust the picture in the SR offer bar 05 in the mobile version. My picture is currently perfect in the desktop version but extremely large in the mo
SR Tabs Accordion 02 responsiveness
Would it be possible for the tabs in SR Tabs Accordion 02 to have it so that only one tab is open at any one time? So if you were to open a new tab, the previous one you had open auto-collapses? This would be a really helpful option!
Building quotation / estimate templates with Sprocket Rocket
Use the Sprocket Rocket theme and modules to build templates for sales quotations, invoices and more of that functionality.
Event Module - scroller
it would be nice if a carousel component could be added to the event modules... so, display 3 upcoming events + scroll to the right for the next 3, etc.
Event Module - display X / Y events
Plese create a way to have a total of X (e.g. 10) events in SR Events 01 but the option to only display the upcoming Y (e.g. 3) at a time
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